short information of what is Hacoconut and coconut boat tour

What is our boat tour? How much does our boat tour cost?. Here is the anwsers, the boat tour is the eco tour on the basket boat to explore the Bay Mau Coconut Forest Village and it costs 100,000VND / Pax. In this page we will introduce you more detail of our business and the basket boat tour

What is boat tour of Hacoconut?

HACOCONUT was conceived by the poor fishermen in Cam Thanh coconut forest. Since the service is running mainly by locals so they understand obviously the way to put their friends into the very Vietnamese fishermen style and their daily life. There is no package tour, no brokers as well as third parties.

HACOCONUT is located at Cam Thanh, Hoi An, and will cater to all tourists who would like to explore a part of very Vietnamese style as well as those who want to improve the poor fisherman life, with the eco basket boat tour for enjoying the nature and keeping the clean enviroment

HACOCONUT will imbedded it self and make your holiday become an unforgettable trip in Vietnam. Our best achievement is to bring the best service to our friends by the friendly attitude and enthusiasm.

How much does Hacoconut cost for the Basket Boat Tour?

The price is 100,000VND / Pax. The price is included the Basket Boat Trip at Coconut Forest Village with the duration 50-60 minutes and 1 drink bottle for each pax. You may ask why our tour price is so cheap, the anwser is we always keep the reasonable price for our tourists.

Why is Hacoconut?

Ha is abbreviation of Hoi An, coconut is a part in the name of the area(Bay Mau coconut forest). we combine two part of that, and it become Hacoconut.

Hacoconut Coconut Basket Boat Tours

Basket Boat Tour(Coconut Boat Tour)

Paddling on basket boat to watch Bay Mau Coconut Forest.

Man basket boat performance.

Fishing training by fishing mesh

Catching crabs on the river.

Singing on the river.

Duration time ≈ 50-60 minutes.

Price: 100,000 VND

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Cooking Class Tour

Cooking traditional dishes in Vietnam

You can choose cooking class with market and without market

Picking up service is included

The tour nomarlly takes from 2.5-3.5 hours

Price: 600,000 VND

Click here for more information

Local Food

Vietnamese family food in Hacoconut's restaurant

Promising to offer the best local food for you

In promotion to the end of the year

Cheap price and good quality for you.

Price: 140,000 VND

Click here for more information

Our Combinated Tours

Basket Boat Tour(Coconut Boat Tour) with Cooking Class

Basket Boat Tour

Cooking Class Tour

Picking up included

Duration time ≈ 5 hours.

Price: 700,000 VND

Basket Boat Tour(Coconut Boat Tour) with local lunch

Basket Boat Tour

Local Food.

Duration time ≈ 2.5 hours.

Price: 230,000 VND